HOW2 Toolbox
The "HOW2 Toolbox" is now available on our website. This collection of online training modules, created for HBA coaches and archers, is designed to support both personal and professional development. These short, practical videos—recorded during workshops—cover a range of subjects relevant to HBA and are freely accessible online.
The "HOW2 Toolbox" also includes general modules applicable across all sports disciplines, such as:
- HOW2 build a good relationship between the coach and the competitor,
- HOW2 prevent hate speech,
- HOW2 respect fair play rules in competitions,
- HOW2 manage stress before competitions,
- HOW2 build competitor commitment,
- HOW2 build resilience in difficult times (such as recent pandemic)
To see them - please click the YT logo.
You can also watch 15 videos produced as part of our previous ARCHed project: Horseback Archery Education for Sport Promotion. These videos contain practical aspects of improving technique and demonstrate a trainer’s approach to the topic tackled through the material. To see them, please CLICK HERE
"Do I lead a healthy lifestyle?"
The “Do I Lead a Healthy Lifestyle?” questionnaire is now available online. This self-assessment tool helps individuals evaluate their involvement in sports activities, healthy eating, and mindfulness while encouraging care for both mental and physical well-being. It includes theoretical modules, tips, and practical exercises. We invite everyone to complete the questionnaire and assess their current level of engagement in a healthy lifestyle.
The questionnaire is freely accessible and can be used by other organisations across all sports disciplines or by individuals seeking guidance.
To access the questionnaire please the picture beside