Kawalkada Sports Club
Kawalkada is the largest sports club teaching horseback archery in Poland and one of the founding members of Polish
Horseback Archery Federation. The President of Kawalkada Sports Club, Anna Sterczynska, is also the President of Polish Horseback Archery Federation.
Kawalkada Sports Club runs classes 7 days a week all year round. We own 19 trained horses for horseback archery.
In our club we have Korean, Tower90, Polish and other smaller training tracks. We also organise and conduct
Horseback Archery Academy for all interested, although we place great emphasis on training juniors. We also train
students from many universities in Poznan in archery as an equivalent of physical education classes.
Sports Club
Kawalkada as a sports club was registered in January 2018, but Kawalkada has been operating as a riding centre since
1998 and our sports club a natural continuation of long-term Kawalkada Horseback Archery activities on the national,
European and international levels.
We run horseback riding lessons for beginners and advanced, horse rallies, field trips, horseback archery classes and hippotherapy. We teach kids and youth from the basics. We not only teach how to ride a horse, but also how to clean and
prepare a horse for a ride, we teach respect for horses and other animals as well as other human beings.
Kawalkada Sports Club promotes healthy lifestyle and sports activities with special emphasis on horseback riding and
horseback archery activities among youth and adults. As a club we are trying to promote this sport as a great way to spend
free time outdoors, develop physical activity and counteract addictions, as well as boredom.
Every year we organise International and European ranking competitions. In 2019 we hosted the 2nd European
Horseback Archery Championships for representatives from over 15 European countries. Our members rank highly
in the Polish horseback archers rank system. Our HBA coaches teach both in Poland and abroad.
Kawalkada also has staff appropriately experienced in implementing large EU co-funded projects.
We have a high level of experience in organising different kinds of events such as: competitions, tournaments,
meetings of the representatives of sports clubs on local and national level.